Sunday, December 25, 2011

Still Christmas..

H+1 after Christmas..hmm..I still can feel the spirit of Christmas..this morning when I woke up, I go to my living room and watched Glee for Christmas..I really like their Christmas songs..They can sing beautifully..I really have a good time this Christmas..

But, I feel so sad about the conflict in Bima, NTT..this is Christmas when people should be happy and have a wonderful, I just can pray for them..I pray the best for them..God Bless Us..:)



Natal tahun inii cukup berkesan bagii mengikuti 3 perayaan natal..

Perayaan natal pertama gw adalah tgl 22 Desember di Plaza Central Sudirman..dari perayaan pertama inii gw belajar utk tidak putus asa dalam mengejar mimpi gw..segala halangan dan rintangan pastii bisaa kita lalui jika kita mau berusaha n selalu menyertakan Tuhan di dalamnya..Selain itu, gw juga belajar bahwa kita adalah sebuah hadiah..maksudnya adalah, kita harus menjadi terang bagi semua orang..kita harus membawa kasih dan damai bagi orang lain..

Perayaan natal kedua gw adalah tgl 24 Desember di Gereja Santo Yakobus Gading..pembelajaran yang didapat adalah gw diingatkan kembali tentang lahirnya Kristus..roh kudus membantu masalah2 Yusuf dan Maria..saat itu mereka belum menikah, tetapi Maria sudah mengandung anak..tadinya Yusuf tidak mau menikahi Maria, tetapi dengan kuasa roh kudus, akhirnya Yusuf berubah pikiran.. Kristus lahir bukan di hotel, rumah sakit ataupun di tempat yang nyaman lainnya..Ia lahir di kandang domba..begitu sederhananya namun sangat bermakna..

Perayaan natal terakhir gw adalah tadii sore..tgl 25 Desember di JCC..pembelajaran yang didapat adalah all about serving others..Tuhan datang ke dunia as a servant and a king..pelayan dan raja..sangat kontradiktif tetapi berada dalam 1 pribadi Yesus Kristus..kita harus memiliki hati yang tulus dan melayani..karena dengan begitu kita akan menjadi the son of Christ..kita harus sabar menunggu, karena pada saatnya nanti, Tuhan pasti akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi kita..

3 perayaan natal yang sangat bermakna buat gw inii sangat membuat gw merasakaan natal yang sesungguhnya..I can feel the spirit and the wonderful Christmas..It also makes me more believe in God..membuat gw semakin dekat dengan Tuhan..I really thank to God for everything he do in my life..

Merry Christmas all..may u have a great, sweet, beautiful, and wonderful Christmas this year..God Bless You..:)


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Love u Mom..:)

holaaa..liburann..liburaann..walaupun cm 2 minggu krn gw ambil sp, tp ttp hrs memanfaatkan liburan sebaik2nya nii..buatt istirahat n seneng-seneng..wkwkwk

eh iyaa..harii ini ada 2 event..1. hari ibu..2. harii makann ondee..wkwkwk..tadiny gw ampiirr ajaa lupa klo hari ini hri ibu..trus gw liat di status bbm, pada ngucapin selamat hari ibuu..nah ud gtu, lgs d gw selametin nykp, cipika cipiki..hohoho..nanti soree gw bkln natalan di kampuuss..kayany bakalan seruu d..haha..

"Happy Mothers Day!!"
thank u  mom for rising me well and being a great u always..:)



oh here I am..sitting in front of the computer..should write the article for journalistic..but, still lazy to start and doing this thing..

tomorrow is the can do it lau!!:)


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything..

aloohaaa..siang-siang ginii sendiriian di rumaahh..cuaca di depan panaass, gw puter channel nickelodeon, lagii ada spongebob..wkwkwk..cuma utk meramaikan suasana, tp ga ditonton..:p

mauu bikin artikel buat jurnalistik, tp i don't fell like doing anything..haha..akhirnyaa gw bermalas2an di rumah d..setelah kmrn2 pergi2 trus smpe kmrn ituu have fun banget pergi2ny..cuma pas hari snen ajaa tuh hectic bgt..kebanyakan janji sm org jadii puyeng sndrii..haha..

nahh..skrg gw lapeerr..di rumah ga ad makanan..sepertiny gw akan ke mal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan gw..wkwkwk..

udah d ituu dlu ajaa yg mw gw tulis..bye2..:)


Friday, December 16, 2011

White Christmas..

ahhhh..December..actually this is my favorite month..why? Because there is a christmas in it..I like everything about christmas..I like the songs..I like the celebration..I like the holiday..I like the celebration..

I have a dream about christmas..I wish someday, I could have a real White Christmas..Which means I want to have a christmas celebration in 4 seasons country..I want to feel the real euphoria of christmas..


Miss High School..

wooo..helloo bloggerr..finally I have some times to write my, my final test has over..fiuhhhh....thanks God..I hope the result will be good..hmmm

Today, after I took care about my final test, I went to MKG with 2 friends..and I was so lucky that there is an christmas event event is always great I think..

Actually there were some band and singer: Maria Shandi, Sammy ex Kerispatih, Abdul and coffee theory *with Echa Soemantri of course, and many more..because it's already 08.00pm, so i just watched Echa Soemantri, Maria Shandii, and Yes Band..

When I saw Echa Soemantri, I remembered about high school event which invited abdul and coffee theory..I miss it so much..I miss when I and high school friends enjoyed the music..We cheered together..We had fun together..and it was one of my beautiful memory in high school..

Tomorrow I will go with 3 college friends..I hope tomorrow will be a good day and we have a lot of fun..:)
