Saturday, January 22, 2011

something SMALL!!

hmm..this is the second post for today..haha..but i really want to write this things..

          It has been a long time since I read a novel..and one week ago when I accompanied my friend to go to first i just wanted to accompanied her, but when I saw Agnes Jessica's book: Merah, which actually I have known about this book when it was first published..I didn't know, but I thought I wanted to read this book..haha..

       After I read this book, I think this book is really really MEANINGFUL..this book really makes me understand about this world and I can see my life in the positive and different side..I have learned so many things from this book..this book also makes me realize that I must be closer with GOD and I've learned to be an optimistic person..

          Now I can be able to more appreciate everything that happens in my life and everything that God has given to me..and I also find that I am going to be a cheerful person who make people's life brighter than before..I also want to give happiness to everyone that I meet..I know I have a lot of weakness but with God, I will be able to do it..every step of mine I always give it to God..

          I have just one life and I will use it well and use it just for glorify His name. I will do the best to make people know who is my savior(read:GOD). I will always pray that God will send His holly spirit so I can do the best to make people around me have happiness..

'do the best and God will do the rest..'

a week of a freak!!

1 minggu ini jadi minggu yg kurang tenang bwt ktmu sm org yg FREAK ABIS d pokony..lgs gw ceritain ajh d..haha

jadi yh..kisah gw bermula dari seorang teman panggil saja dia si X..suatu siang ato sore(gw lupa) si X sms gw.."lau, lu udh dijejelin soal" bwt un blm? soalny spupu gw ad yg sos mw pinjem soal" dr lu." gw blg boleh" ajh donk asal jgn ilang ato rusak..

gw kira spupuny cewe tp ternyata cowo..trus ga lama dia sms..yah gw fine" ajh..trus kan gw ngobrol" gitu..dia nanya gw knl cl dr mana..trus gw jelasin klo gw prnh sekelas pas ipa gitu" d..trus udh gitu dia cerita klo sbtu dpn ad donor darah di skul-ny..dia sebagai tim pmr senior disuru nyari yh ok ok ajh..saat itu gw msh fine" ajh sm ni org..

udh gitu dia nany nilai to gw brp..yh gw ksh tau nilai gw..trus gw juga nany nilai dia brp..n ternyata nilai-ny parah..dibawah 50 smua..trus dia minta gw ngajarin dia..nah di situ gw udh mulai mikir: ni org ko aneh yh..baru kenal, ktmu ajh blm udh mnta diajarin...oh iyh..sblumnya dia mnta fb gw gitu..yh gw ksh donk..

nah..udh gitu pas yg dia minta diajarin itu gw ga setujuin donk gw blg gini: yh bljr brg..gtw d..liat nanti ajh klo gw sempet(gw ngegantungin gitu jdny)..nah udh donk..trus dia ttp maksa" trus..setiap kali sms gw pasti nany ttg 'kpn bs bljr brg' bete donk!!ni org apaan sii maksa"..udh gitu dia juga ngajakin ke greja bareng la..freak abis tu org!!errr...

trus akhirny gw ngebohong sm blg klo hr ini gw mw bljr brg tmn gw..jd ga bs..trus dia blg: gw ikut boleh ga??trus gw blg: yakin mw ikt bljr sm tmn gw??nanti gw tny-in dlu sm tmn gw..trus dia blg: mw lah..trus..bbrp menit kemudian dia sms lagi: gmn, udh tny tmn lu blm?gw blg: blm..rencanany gw mw tny blg gitu..keesokan hariny dia nany lagi hal yg sma 'blh bljr brg ga?'

oh iyh..sblmny dia juga nany gw bljr berapa blg ajh 5 org..trus gw jwb pertanyaan dia yg di td: ga bs bljr brg tmn gw soalny mreka ga nyaman ajh klo ad org laen...trus dia bls: oh ya udh klo gitu, mmg nasib gw yg ga bs bljr brg sm kan cm mw bljr bukan tau mksd dia ngomong gitu spy gw ga enk sm dia n brubah pikiran, tp sayangny gw ga brubah pikiran n gw jawab: oww..ok d..gitu..trus dia bls lg: tp gw pgn bljr brg lu :(..gitu" d..

trus dia juga nany klo minggu gmn bs ga??gw jawab klo hr mgg ga bs itu hr keluarga..dia trus maksa..trus gw akhirny blg: pokony hr minggu ga bs diganggu gugat..trus bahkan dia maksa mw ke rumah gw bwt bljr..trus gw blg bonyok gw ga enk..trus dia blg: blg ajh ke bonyok lu gw spupuny bl;s tanpa nany ke ortu tentuny: ga boleh.sori gw mw tidur.udh gitu keesokan hariny dia msih maksa, n ga gw bls lgi..

bhkn..dia NELPON gw juga..untung wktu itu hp-ny gw silent..jd gw ga dngr..trus gw silent trus ajh hp gw biar ga ganngu...trus dia nany ttg soal br gw bls..soalny gw ga enk sm bls: bsk jm 11.di ush ke rumah. FYI, dia tau alamat gw dr cl..knp gw ksh alamat gw soalny gw kira spupuny cewe n ga freak..hmm

udh gw ktmu tu cma blg: ini fotokopi di sbrang.udh gitu cpt blkn lg ke sini..btw, akhirny gw ktmu di skul..trus udh diblkn suruh dia titip ke satpam kompleksny nixie..soalny kan si nixie mw bljr mat..trus bljrny di rmh dia..

pokony gila bgt d tu org..udh gitu td brsn gw udh nge remove dia dr fb gw..trus gw sms ke dia blg: klo mw sms, ke nomer axis gw ajh soalny nomer yg ini mw gw buang..trus dia nany mmgny knp mw dibuang: gw blg soalny nomer yg ini udh byk yg tau n byk yg slh sms n byk yg nelpon" ga jelas..

gw tau gw udh jahat bgt n gw ngebohongin dia blg klo nomer gw mw di buang..abis gmn donk..FREAK ABIS TU ORG..kya stalker jd serem sndiri..

Monday, January 3, 2011

twenty ten memories..

it's 2011!!Good bye 2010..welcome 2011..first of all i just want to thank u to God that he's already blessed and been with me n my fam in 2010..I have learnt a lot of things in the way, it's been a long time since i last wrote and organised this i want to review the memorable moments in 2010..a lot of thing have happened last year and this is the review:

-i attended Java Jazz concert for the first time :D:D..RAN performanced was so amazing and i really enjoyed that concert..haha

-i've got the second rank in my class!!which is the first time for me..aahh..i didn't expect it..i like this moment because when my teacher announced that my friend seemed to not believe it..haha..with this rank..i prove that i can do it if i work hard!!hmm

-i've got my first salary!!i worked as a private student was in the first grade on elementary school..this job was quite challenging..why?because my student was a special student and different from other student..he is very moody and hyperactive..but, he is brilliant..he even knows how many planet are in this world and he knows the name of the the first grade student knows it??i remember that i know the name of the planets in six grade..that's why i say my student is different..

-i've been told that "he" has a girlfriend..hmm..but i thank to God who sent someone to tell me this ugly truth..because of that i can move on and forget the feeling about, i keep him in my hearth as my sweetest memory..hmm

-i've learnt how to be a good mediator..because of some conflicts with my social friend, i finally know who is my truly friend..hmm..and it's also makes me more mature..

by the way, until now i 'm still not expect that i'll get the second rank..because i was also working besides studying..all i knew was just do the best so i could get a good score and teach my student well..hmmm

------------back to the reviews-----------

-went to Ocean Park with my besties!!this was really fun and this was another adventure that we were doing guys..:D:D

-my relative came to Indonesia from San Fransisco!!it's been 10 years since i met them..i even forgot my cousin face..haha..we were doing a lot of fun..this is the top 1 my very memorable moment in 2010..

-learned Saman Dance and performed at the opening and closing my school big event..:D it's been a long time since my last dance performance..:p
-got a fun crush in my school big event ^^ :p

-got my first credit card!!

-i've got the strange phone call on my birthday..the phone call knew my name and my birthday..than finally he said that he is the administration teacher in my that strange phone call, not only administration teacher but also someone that i didn't know because she made some strange noise..than finally i knew that she is my counseling teacher in school..

-i've got a birthday surprise from my besties..:D they came to my house with a delicious cake with a "18" candle on it..they also brought me a letter from school..actually it's from my counseling and administration teacher who wish me happy birthday..hehe

-went to Strawberry cafe with my besties and do a lot of fun there..haha

-got my first car crash with my friend which is the runner up of my very memorable experience in 2011 :D haha..fortunately no one got injured..:p

-the last day in 2010 was closed by getting a barbecue party with my relatives in my father had bought some first we played the fireworks outside my house but it disturbed some neighbour and my mom also got some phone call from my neighbour :p..than we went to the park near my house to play fireworks..after that we went to the street near la piazza to watch fireworks..this year firework was really great and i enjoyed it..:D:D

"don't write your name on sand, waves will wash it away.
don't write your name in sky, wind may blow it away.
write your name in the hearts of people you come in touch with.
that's where it will stay."